Tempsure Envi Laser Skin Tightening Treatment: Plastic Surgery & Aesthetics Practice Marketing Collateral Creation

These images were captured by one of our second photographers for our long-term client, Anderson Aesthetics, of their Laser Specialist, Donna, performing Tempsure on a real life patient (our namesake and lead photographer, Chelsea Patricia). These images are a part of our close work in marketing vertical and collateral creation between Anderson’s Practice Administrator and Chelsea to overhaul the images used both in-office, on line and in print to completely get rid of stock imagery by producing custom media specific to Anderson’s staff, office space, and patients.

If you run a plastic surgery, aesthetics or any other kind of private practice, please contact us today to find out how we can completely overhaul and customize your Marketing by emailing pr@chelseapatriciaphoto.com or going to our “Contact” page.